Congrats Jordan O'Haver! #OrangevilleBroncos #Seniors2020
about 4 years ago, Rachel Heck
JOHaver pic
Congratulations to our prom court! Posted on our website is very important information about prom if you are going, or if you are planning to come watch grand march & coronation. You can click the link for our News page:
about 4 years ago, Rachel Heck
OHS 2020 Prom court
Can you believe it's almost July? If you have been doing exercise, don't forget to enter your minutes into the FHN Miles & Minutes program to help Orangeville try & win money for our school!
about 4 years ago, Rachel Heck
Congrats Ty O'Connor! #OrangevilleBroncos #Seniors2020
about 4 years ago, Rachel Heck
TOConnor pic
Congrats Timber Oakes! #OrangevilleBroncos #Seniors2020
about 4 years ago, Rachel Heck
TOakes pic
There is a new News posting on the website regarding school return. You can also view the pdf file by clicking:
about 4 years ago, Rachel Heck
Congrats Christian MacKenzie! #OrangevilleBroncos #Seniors2020
about 4 years ago, Rachel Heck
CMacKenzie pic
Congrats Dalton Lowe! #OrangevilleBroncos #Seniors2020
about 4 years ago, Rachel Heck
DLowe pic
Hopefully the dads are having a relaxing Sunday and not just doing work today. Happy Father's Day to all dads out there from Orangeville Schools!
about 4 years ago, Rachel Heck
Fathers Day
Congrats Carter Kleckler! #OrangevilleBroncos #Seniors2020
about 4 years ago, Rachel Heck
CKleckler pic
Congrats Blake Jones! #OrangevilleBroncos #Seniors2020
about 4 years ago, Rachel Heck
BJones pic
Congrats Abby Isely! #OrangevilleBroncos #Seniors2020
about 4 years ago, Rachel Heck
AIsely pic
Agenda for the Special Meeting of the Board of Education 6-15-20:
about 4 years ago, Rachel Heck
Congrats Zach Green! #OrangevilleBroncos #Seniors2020
about 4 years ago, Rachel Heck
ZGreen pic
Congrats Emily George! #OrangevilleBroncos #Seniors2020
about 4 years ago, Rachel Heck
EGeorge pic
After considering a number of things, such as enrollment, future class sizes, & participation data, the athletic dept. determined it would not be possible to provide a true 11-man football program (gr 9-12) in the future at Orangeville with our current standing. There were two options available for consideration going forward. The following informational presentation goes over what was considered & the recommendation by the athletic dept. On Monday June 8th the Orangeville Board of Education voted to move our football program to 8-man beginning in the 2021-2022 school year.
about 4 years ago, Rachel Heck
OHS football helmet
Today we want to say a special THANK YOU to Mrs. Mary Gerbode!! She is re-retiring, and we were lucky and so very blessed to have had her teach with us the past two years. We will miss her greatly!
about 4 years ago, Rachel Heck
M Gerbode retire
Congrats Sierra Eversoll! #OrangevilleBroncos #Seniors2020
about 4 years ago, Rachel Heck
SEversoll pic
Wow. Saying "what a year" is an understatement. With construction & a late start, we thought we were doing really well once everything finally fell into place. Then Covid-19 came along. I know that it's been a rough road, for all of us, but we're finally done. Enjoy your summer!
about 4 years ago, Rachel Heck
Peanuts we made it
Congrats Grace Edler! #OrangevilleBroncos #Seniors2020
about 4 years ago, Rachel Heck
GEdler pic