High school boys basketball game at Manny's Shootout has been rescheduled. It will now be on February 15th at 10am vs Prince of Peace. This game will be played at the West Carroll Middle school in Mt. Carroll.
about 5 years ago, Willi Guy
Reminder to seniors & senior parents: The senior portrait and 2 baby pictures are due this Friday, Jan. 17th. They can be given to or emailed to Mrs. Scheuerell. If you have questions, email Mrs. Scheuerell at kscheuerell@orangevillecusd.com
about 5 years ago, Rachel Heck
Photo of a yearbook
In spite of the weather, our ski trip buses were able to head out this morning just fine & our kids are having fun on the slopes. Sometimes if you watch the Chestnut Mountain live cams, you can see some of them headed down the hills! https://www.chestnutmtn.com/live-cameras/
about 5 years ago, Rachel Heck
National Honor Society is helping the American Red Cross by selling "Red Out" shirts. Everyone is then encouraged to wear their shirts during National Wear Red Day on February 7th. If you are interested, flyer is included, and orders are due this Friday, Jan. 17th.
about 5 years ago, Rachel Heck
Red Out shirt flyer forms
Reminder to seniors: Your senior portrait & 2 baby pictures are due this Friday, Jan. 17th for the yearbook. They can be given to Mrs. Scheuerell or emailed to her.
about 5 years ago, Rachel Heck
This past Saturday's HS girls basketball game at Monticello, WI, has been rescheduled for next Monday, Jan. 20, at 6 pm.
about 5 years ago, Rachel Heck
Reminder - There is a Lorado Taft parent/student meeting tonight at 6:00 in the LMC. Even if the student cannot be there, at least one parent should try to attend.
about 5 years ago, Rachel Heck
The HS girls basketball game at Monticello, WI, tomorrow (1/11) has also been cancelled. A reschedule date is pending.
about 5 years ago, Rachel Heck
Tomorrow's (1/11) HS varsity boys basketball game at West Carroll for Manny's Shootout has been cancelled. A reschedule is pending.
about 5 years ago, Rachel Heck
Due to unpredictable weather conditions, tonight's HS boys basketball game at Lena has been cancelled. It is rescheduled for Jan. 21st at 6 pm.
about 5 years ago, Rachel Heck
This Saturday's (1/11) Speech meet at River Ridge has been cancelled. It may be rescheduled at a later date.
about 5 years ago, Rachel Heck
Updated! Our Event section is now updated and everything should be correct. Thank you for your patience.
about 5 years ago, Rachel Heck
We have a new website!! It has been under construction but is now live. Check out our new website, which is at the same location www.orangevillecusd.com
about 5 years ago, Rachel Heck
The time of year has come again when we ask district parents to fill out the 5Essentials Survey. It opens Oct. 24, 2019, and closes Feb. 14, 2020. To take the survey, please follow the link below. Thank you. http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/
over 5 years ago, Douglas DeSchepper