For anyone who did not come in on the registration days, your basic student fees are now entered and show in your parent portal. Please note a few things:
GS Parents - Included is the $47 milk snack fee. If you do not want milk snack, let us know so we can remove it from your fee list.
Jr/Sr High Parents - Class fees are included, sports fees are not. If your student is playing a sport(s), let us know so we can include it in your fee list. If you make schedule changes, fees may change.
All Parents - A new fee this year is Chromebook Insurance, which is $30/yr. and is optional. If you would like us to add this to your fee list, please let us know. More information will be coming out about Chromebooks and insurance soon.
Payments - You can bring in cash or check payments during school hours, or mail a check if you wish. We do not have the ability to process credit cards. We do not have the ability for you to pay online.
Fee Waivers - If you are a family who has been direct certified, you have received a letter in the mail, along with the fee waiver form. You must return that signed fee waiver form before we can waive fees. Please sign and return to the office. If you need a new form, please contact Tonya.
Email Rachel or Tonya with questions.