School Bus clipart

Dear Parents/Guardians:

We are reminding you of the Orangeville School District #203's current transportation policy and reviewing the BUS PLAN and BUS PASS procedure. We request and appreciate your cooperation as we clarify our school district's transportation plan.

Bus Plan (Permanent Plan for year - unless changed with permission from the office)

If a student needs to change their primary mode of transportation, the parent must call the elementary office and speak to the superintendent's secretary to change this mode of transportation to change the Permanent Bus Plan. If the superintendent's secretary is not available, the change can be made with the elementary school secretary.

Bus Pass

Notices given the day of a change:

If a student needs a change for a day or there is an emergency, the parent must call the elementary office and speak to the superintendent's secretary to receive a bus pass. If the superintendent's secretary is not available, the change can be made with the elementary school secretary. The school district cannot guarantee notes, emails, and voicemails will be checked before dismissal. This change must be made two hours before school dismissal. This is for the safety of our students to ensure they are dropped off at the location set by the parent/guardian.

Advance notice (requires 24 hour minimum):

Notes, emails, and voicemails will be accepted to make these type of changes. These are for emergency or changes that do not affect the Permanent Bus Plan.  Thank you for your assistance in this matter. 


Dr. Douglas DeSchepper

Superintendent/Transportation Director