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Hello Orangeville School District Families,

So far, the start to the school year has been interesting and it’s been trying at times, but the students have done a great job and have adjusted to the daily routines extremely well. I would also like to thank families in the community for your continued support.

At the beginning of each school year, the State of Illinois requires that school districts drill safety protocols in a fire, bus emergency, tornado, and a school safety threat such as an armed intruder. Starting last year, a school safety threat drill was mandatory and must be performed on an annual basis. The Illinois State Board of Education (105 ILCS 128/20) has made it a requirement for students to participate in a school law enforcement drill that addresses an active threat or an active shooter within the school building. This drill must be practiced within the first 90 calendar days of the school year. While everyone is aware that no one measure is entirely effective to prevent a school shooting, our hope is to improve our proactive approach to better prevent and prepare for an aggressive threat.

All students in the district will participate in an armed intruder drill on Tuesday, October 20th at 10:00am. This drill will be observed by State Trooper Brent Massingill. The students will be made aware that this is only a drill and we will take great care to ensure that this is not a traumatizing event. We will send out a School Messenger the evening before, this letter will be posted on the website and Facebook, and we will send out a reminder on Twitter.

In regards to reporting a threat, please be aware that you or your student can report a threat to our school, any school, or any venue to any staff member or to the Stephenson County Sherriff’s Department. Please don’t hesitate to pass along information to prevent violence.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out to me.


Andrew Janecke

Principal, Orangeville Schools

