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All information is subject to change at any time. Check back regularly for the most updated info.

All information is subject to change at any time. Check back regularly for most updated info.

GAME SCHEDULES can be found on this website if you click EXPLORE on the homepage (top right corner), and then choose Athletics on the dropdown menu, or follow this link:

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OHS Baseball Team 2022

(L-R) Top Row - Coach Fahs, Jake George, Michael MacKenzie, Joey Thomm, Coach Mrs. Scherer, Coach Scherer; Middle Row - Kyle Kloepping, Boden Gustafson, Mitch Soddy, Kaden Henneman, Grant Anderson, Wyatt Miller, Mitch Isely; Bottom Row - Ayden Attewell, Paxton Bastian, Zach White, Alex McDearmon, Mason Raab, Mason Conrow.

2021 Spring Season

NUIC all-conference baseball